“Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability - they should go hand in hand.”
Great design leaves a lasting impression. Its pleasurable to work with, touch, see, even wander around in. It's also mostly invisible. You know when something is ugly, or doesn't work well, but truly great design doesn't call attention to itself, instead it reaffirms the business and ideas it serves.
We can design something fantastic that draws people in and makes them feel like you are exceptional. Its time for you to show the world how exceptional you are.
"I knew what I wanted for my health communications consulting business – a high-end business card that would produce a visceral reaction when I handed it out. Odd Moxie helped me design the gorgeous, navy-inked, silver-edged cards, and they gave me ideas I would have never thought of on my own. My double-sided cards include a blind deboss, which is an imprint of the compass rose part of my logo – and they are so thick that you can practically see people’s neurons light up when they hold them!"
- Natalie Miller Moore, Moore than Words