A Video for You
Odd Moxie Studios & Design has partnered with Basecamp Productions and Helen’s Place to bring affordable video to Williamsburg.
Many of the small businesses we’ve worked with in town have said the same thing, “I’d love to have some video, but I’m just not sure we can stretch our marketing budget that far.”
We love video. We want everyone to have video. But, we want everyone to have good video. So we’ve set up a co-op. We book the guys, rent the equipment, and work the magic. All you have to do is come at your time.
By taking an entire day of production and cutting it into 6 slots, our clients get to pay less than 1/6th of what they would for a full day of shooting. That’s a rate that works with anyone’s marketing budget.
We’ve set the first date, 10/28, and there are only 5 slots available.
Your business needs video. Now is your moment to get it.